Special Interest Groups

The purpose of the Physical Therapy Special Interest Group (SIG) is to provide a means by which physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and students may meet, exchange information/ideas, identify issues, provide a means by which members having a common interest in a special area of physical therapy may confer, and serve as a clinical resource for all APTA Pennsylvania members and the SIG itself. 

In addition, they respond to areas of concern related to PT SIG members, advocate and advance the needs of SIG members, consumers, and members of the Chapter relative to the SIG’s area of interest.

Membership in the PT SIG is FREE and open to all active and affiliate members in good standing within the APTA Pennsylvania chapter. Meetings of the PT SIG are held in conjunction with the APTA Pennsylvania Fall Meetings. Dates and times are published in the APTA Pennsylvania Newsletters.

Complete this form to Join a Special Interest Group

For more information on the individual Special Interest Groups, view their pages below.

Kathryn Brown
SIG Work Group Chair



Nominations are due by Friday, July 17, 2024. 

View SIG Awards and Criteria