Special Interest Groups
The purpose of the Physical Therapist Assistant Special Interest Group (PTA SIG):
- Provide a means by which physical therapist assistants, physical therapists, and students may meet, exchange information, identify issues, and network.
- Mentoring group that provides guidance and direction from the clinical level to membership support. Those with a common interest in a special area of physical therapy may confer and exchange ideas.
- A Clinical resource for all APTA Pennsylvania members and the SIG.
- Respond to areas of concern related to PTA SIG members in guiding questions to the appropriate area of support.
- Advocate and advance the needs of PTAs throughout the commonwealth.
- Provide specific PTA content, address needs, and concerns and support PTAs within APTA. And along with many of the APTA Pennsylvania SIGs, we support all areas of clinical practice
- Membership to the APTA Pennsylvania Physical Therapist Assistant Special Interest Group is free. PTA members are auto-enrolled into the PTA SIG. If you would like to opt out, please get in touch with the APTA Pennsylvania Office.
For more information on the individual Special Interest Groups, view their pages below.

Kathryn Brown SIG Work Group Chair
Nominations are due by Friday, July 17, 2024.