Pediatric SIG

The APTA Pennsylvania Pediatric Special Interest Group is a state-wide volunteer organization that brings together any member of the Pennsylvania Chapter (PTs and PTAs) in good standing who share an interest in the evidence-based care of the pediatric population. APTA Pennsylvania's Pediatric SIG was developed to serve the professional needs of pediatric physical therapists and their clients in Pennsylvania.

Members typically receive emails, information on public policy changes, and information on pediatric seminars that are sponsored by the APTA Pennsylvania chapter. Benefits of membership include peer-to-peer networking, providing a forum for education in Pediatric practice, and identifying and promoting utilization of standards of competency for practice, research, and education in Pediatric practice.


In order to register for the SIG, simply complete the opt-in form below.

Membership in the Pediatric SIG is free to all APTA Pennsylvania members. The APTA Pennsylvania Pediatric SIG is an efficient way to keep informed on issues that are relevant to your profession. So if you are not already a Pediatric SIG member, please consider joining today!


This document was written by a task force of professionals from the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association (POTA) and from the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA-PA). We acknowledge the support of POTA’s Commission on Practice and the APTA-PA Pediatric Special Interest Group (SIG).
Please note these are guidelines only and are not to be taken as the official policies of the POTA or of the APTA-PA.  The information in these guidelines does not, and is not, intended to constitute legal advice.  All information and content are for general informational purposes only and may not constitute the most up-to-date information.  Readers of these guidelines should contact their attorneys to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal matter. 


Karen Leppert
Pediatric SIG Chair 
Term ends: 12/31/24
Christa Stipanovich
Pediatric SIG Vice Chair
Term ends: 12/31/25
Kristen Carnell
Pediatric SIG Secretary
Term ends: 12/31/26




APTA Pennsylvania Pediatric SIG Award

The awards for each SIG recognize a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant that is a member of APTA/APTA Pennsylvania and has made meaningful contributions to physical therapy at the individual, chapter, or national level in the practice area supported by the SIG. The contributions can be in any of the following areas:

  • Excellence in patient care or clinical practice
  • Excellence in education or research 
  • Community advocacy

Review Our Past SIG Award Winners
View Pediatric SIG Award Criteria and Apply Today!

Pediatric Private Practice Network

We are trying to build a network of the pediatric practitioners working in private practice. If you are working in pediatric private practice and would like to be part of this network, please contact Karen Leppert, your pediatric SIG chair, for more information.

APTA Pennsylvania Mental Health Resources

Review the full list of APTA Pennsylvania Mental Health Resources