APTA Pennsylvania Research Distribution Request Policy
This policy relates to the distribution of links to research projects by APTA Pennsylvania members to other APTA Pennsylvania members.
APTA Pennsylvania members may request electronic distribution of links for research purposes by sending the following information to the Chapter Office (via electronic submission using the link below):
- Brief (3-5 sentences) description of the project (this is the information that will accompany the link that will be sent via email distribution).
- IRB (Institutional Review Board) name and approval date
- Link to research information
APTA Pennsylvania members must be aware of the following procedures when requesting research survey link distribution:
- Research must be related to the practice of physical therapy.
- Research links will be distributed on the first electronic (email) communication of the month. Links will not be placed on social media.
- Research links will be accessed at the discretion of individual members.
- Research links will be sent only once per month, but individuals may request permission for distribution across several months.
- APTA Pennsylvania will not distribute links to research for individuals who are not APTA Pennsylvania members.
In return for advertising information about your Research study and soliciting participation from our members, APTA Pennsylvania’s Practice and Research Committee requests that you provide information on the value of this service. We ask that you track the number of participants that responded to your research request from the APTA PA link and provide that information at the conclusion of listing your study on our website and in the APTA PA Weekly email communication.
Requests to distribute research links from external agencies engaged in work that will benefit APTA Pennsylvania members will be considered by the Practice and Research Committee. Organizations with projects meeting this criteria should contact the APTA Pennsylvania Office and include the required information above. The Office will work with the Practice and Research Committee to determine if the research is eligible for distribution to APTA Pennsylvania membership.
ALL research requests are subject to membership verification.